
Broker Assured are a Wholesaler which means that we do not deal directly with customers. Our policies can only be arranged via a third party insurance broker from our carefully tailored distribution panel. In the event that you have an issue with how a policy was sold to you, then the complaint should be raised with the broker you chose to arrange your insurance, not with Broker Assured.

Broker Assured understand the high level of service and professionalism that our customers expect.

In the unlikely event that Broker Assured fail to meet your expectations, we will make every effort to acknowledge, understand and rectify the issue(s) that led to your dissatisfaction, with efficiency and thoroughness.

To make a complaint, you can contact us in the following ways:

FAO Compliance
Broker Assured
Foundry Street

01782 528 674

Broker Assured will acknowledge receipt of a complaint as soon as reasonably possible, usually within five days.

Following acknowledgement, we will undertake an internal investigation to determine the facts and factors that are relevant, then complete a thorough review of the complaint. Once Broker Assured have completed our investigation, we will provide you with our conclusion and any relevant explanations in writing. This will be within eight weeks from the date we received your complaint.

In the unlikely event that you are not satisfied with the conclusion Broker Assured reach following our investigation, you may refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service for review. The FOS can be reached via the below methods.

0800 023 4567